About Wei

Wei from hubforweb.com

Hi everyone,

Welcome to this Hub for Web project I create to share my experience and knowledge about making a living online. I hope this would help you find the right way to start your own journey.

I’m a Chinese immigrant living in the Netherlands. I love traveling and explore new territories. I worked as a Team Leader for an International tech company and run their RMA department.

It was a nice job and I was really good at it. However, there’s always a bit dissatisfaction in me that the job took so much time. I just couldn’t imagine to live like that for the rest of my life.

I am a firm believer to live life to its fullest!

If you ask me what’s the meaning of life, my answer would be experience. I spend quality time with family and friends and I expand my horizon with many hobbies. I read, paint and play the piano.

Travel the world and connect with different people is always a passion for me. While traveling, I would like to stay in the exotic place for extended period of time. This is because I would like to see what it’s like to actually live there instead of just sightseeing and go back home. To me that is the very essence of travelling.

With my old nine to five job, I was making more than enough money to cover all my passions in life. But was I living life to its fullest? No!

Looking back to my life, I realize that I either had time or money but never both. When I was a student, I had a lot of time but not much money. When I started working, I had more than enough money but not enough time.

There is always a trade off between time and money that is preventing me to live life to its fullest.

My Journey Online So Far…

Way back in 2009, I started to play Texas Holdem Poker online.

It took me a while to learn the game and train myself the necessary skills. But eventually I was able to make a little side money out of that.

However when I start to scale the game, the competition gets tougher and tougher. Not before long, I realized that this game is hard to scale.

It also requires a lot of time. To be able to make an actual living out of it, not only did I have to go through tons of training but I also had to play hours upon hours each day to realize that statistic edge from my skills.

Then in 2014, I dabbled into the financial market. I started trading in the Forex market.

It was a fun journey and I learnt a lot. Trading currencies was exciting. I would study, analyze and make my predictions.

There were ups and downs. But with my trained nerves from the poker games, I was able to stay calm and keep my A game. In the end it started to show some returns.

Unfortunately, with the system that I was trading, to make a salary like income, I would have to invest a large amount money and risk losing them all.

Affiliate Marketing

Finally in 2017, I ventured into affiliate marketing. And I finally found my place online.

There’s a lot of work in the beginning. I still had my nine to five job at the time. I would spend the evenings and weekends working on my blog. There was so much to learn.

What’s special about affiliate marketing is that once you put in the effort in the beginning, the reward just keep coming in the future.

It is very easy to scale. And this is truly a business model that can provide a salary like income with me working anywhere I want.

With affiliate marketing, I am able to:

  • Have financial freedom
  • Be location independent
  • Travel anywhere I want, whenever I want
  • Make money in my sleep

And the best part is that I didn’t have to invest large amount of money.

When I look back to my journey, I feel so lucky that I found the training platform called Wealthy Affiliate. It has provided me with comprehensive training and a wonderful loving community.

I owe all my achievements online to them and YOU can easily use the same training I got there and start your journey to make a living online.

The best part is, you can give it a go for FREE! They offer a life long free membership. There is no credit card needed to register.

With the Starter membership, you will be able to check out some of the training there and get a feel of the community of Wealthy Affiliate, all for free:

What YOU Get

If you signup for the Premium membership at Wealthy Affiliate, you will get me as Your Personal Coach.

I will show you the right direction and things to do in the beginning. You will have access to the exact training and resources I used to built my online living.

I will also periodically check up on you to see how things are going. You have me at your disposal for any questions and issues you might encounter along your journey at Wealthy Affiliate.

Immediately after you signup your FREE account here, you will get a private massage from me. We will get connected and together, we will build YOUR online business!

I can’t wait to see you on the inside!

Wei from hubforweb.com
Let’s make money!

6 thoughts on “About Wei”

  1. Excellent site, Wei. I hope you’re liking the Netherlands. I currently live in the United States but would love to travel to (and maybe even live in) Europe someday. I love the Scandinavian countries, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, so they’d be potential destinations.

    I’m also in the same boat you were once in, working a real job and making enough money to cover all my passions and put them to good use, which is why I was motivated to sign up for Wealthy Affiliate and so far it’s been an excellent experience.

    I’m glad to see that you’ve been successful thus far in affiliate marketing.

    1. Hi Todd,

      Thanks for dropping by. If you ever find yourself in the Netherlands, drop me a line and we shall grab a cup of coffee. I’m glad to hear that you are on Wealthy Affiliate as well. It is the BEST place for affiliate marketing.

      Come back and share with us your experience with WA and affiliate marketing in general.

  2. Wow, you sound very experienced and at the same time you enjoy life. Great about me page. Sounds like you are doing really well on your journey. I am curious how long you have been with WA and how it has treated you so far income wise?

    1. Hi Matt’s Mom,

      Welcome to my new site. I have been doing online business for quite some years. Joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2018. Was lucky to find it because I spent years prior to that just trying and searching for the right program.

      Currently I have two sites working for me. Affiliate marketing is indeed the way to go and it has been rewarding.

  3. Hi Wei

    Thanks for the honest un-salesman like approach love your about me :), feels good to me.

    How much is the full training ?

    Are you now financially and passively free ?

    Im a father of two young kids, Im running my own business in an area of Australia where population is not huge, so work is very lean!

    We are struggling to pay for food at this time.

    Im just so tired of not being able to supply my family with a stress free life.
    How long will it take to get up an running making good money ?

    Ive been studying affiliate marketing online free stuff for two weeks now 12 oct 2019, trying figure out if i can do it and if its profitable and not going to waste my current small budget.
    How quick can i get profitable so i can look at your next level course?

    Thank you Paul 🙂

    1. Hi Paul,

      Thank you very much for you kind comment.

      As you can see from my journey, it took a while for me to find something that finally works. Affiliate marketing is truly the best thing that happened to me. But I have to be clear with you Paul. It’s not easy especially in the beginning. I had to learn a lot and went through all the emotional struggle and self-doubt. Like any other success story, persistence is a necessity.

      There are a lot of free training online but I have compiled a FREE GUIDE to explain how I started and everything I’ve learned so far. If you haven’t checked that out, I would encourage you to do so.

      This business model definitely has the potential to provide for you and your family and it doesn’t require much to begin with. The biggest investment is actually your time and effort. I can’t tell you how long will it take for you to achieve your goal, since it depends on so many factors. How many hours per week can you work on your online business? What niche do you choose to work on? Your experience with website, blogging and/or making videos. And finally, what’s your budget.

      A rough estimate based on my own experience and many others is that it usually takes more than a year to be able to earn a full-time income with affiliate marketing. It can be faster if you can pull more hours or money into it.

      As always, shoot me a message if you have any questions. I’m here to help Paul.

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