The Blog Millionaire Review – Is This A Legit Course For Bloggers?

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Welcome to my The Blog Millionaire review.

This review will take an in-depth look at The Blog Millionaire and see if this is a legit course for bloggers or just another scam that only wants your money and runs away.

Throughout my review, there is no affiliate link to The Blog Millionaire. This is because I do not promote products that I don’t recommend. You can rest assured to get an honest and unbiased review from me.

This review will try to answer the following four questions. It should give you a clear understanding of The Blog Millionaire and whether it’s worth your money.

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The Blog Millionaire Review -  website

Program Name: The Blog Millionaire


Creator: Brandon Gaille

Price: $497

Recommendation: Depends

The Blog Millionaire is a training course created by Brandon Gaille, where he will teach you his secrets and become successful with blogging.

Inside The Blog Millionaire, there are 13 modules, and it is a training course about blogging.

Here, you can learn how to choose a domain name, keyword research, social media, building an email list, and making money online.

The course will show you some tactics and fundamental things like picking a domain name to make money.

Blogging is not that easy as it takes a lot of time and hard work before earning an income.

NOw let’s take a look at how The Blog Millionaire works.


The Blog Millionaire will teach you how to build a blog by creating a simple blog in any niche you want and earn money.

There is no good or bad niche for creating a blog, and you can blog anytime, anything you want.

There are bloggers out there on the internet, and they are kept on rising to this day.

The main idea here with The Blog Millionaire is not just to show you how to make money but to show you how to build, grow, and maintain your blog.

Brandon focuses a lot on generating traffic, which is good because traffic is important for every business.

Within the course, you’ll also learn how to find domains by picking a domain name related to a keyword to get higher rankings.

Everything here has to do with keyword research, and Brandon will teach you how to do it.

Finding a write keyword is very important because that is where you get traffic.

The goal here is to choose a keyword that you can turn into a blog post and repeat the process as much as you want to generate traffic to your site.

The course will also show you how to write posts that are engaging, shareable, and interesting.

It will also teach you how to use social media to gain more people.

Once you go through all these methods, you should be able to produce traffic.

The last module teaches you how to find products that are hot within your niche and use affiliate marketing to monetize the traffic, and that is where you’ll start earning an income.

The Blog Millionaire has 13 modules course where Brandon will lead you through the process step-by-step. 

In addition to the training, you’ll also get a few bonuses, a Facebook group, and more.

Training Modules

  • Module 1 – You will learn how to choose a domain that gets to the top of Google ranking.
  • Module 2 – You will learn how to find high-value domains in the market.
  • Module 3 – You will learn how to optimize hosting for much faster loading pages.
  • Module 4 – You will learn how to use keyword research that can dominate the Google rankings
  • Module 5 – You will learn how to write a post that can turn your visitors into followers.
  • Module 6 – You will learn how to increase the overall engagement of your posts.
  • Module 7 – In this module, you will learn how to get high-quality links to increase all of your rankings.
  • Module 8 – In this module, you will learn how to use social media.
  • Module 9 – In this module, you will learn how to add 1000’s to your email list every month.
  • Module 10 – In this module, you will learn how to use analytics to uncover traffic producing trends.
  • Module 11 – In this module, you will learn how to monetize your blog for client services and consulting leads.
  • Module 12 – In this module, you will learn how to monetize your blog with eBooks and online courses.
  • Module 13 – In this module, you will learn how to monetize your blog with AdSense and Affiliates.

All the courses that you see are all base on Brandon’s years of experience.

Also, each module is backed up with case studies. 

The Blog Millionaire Bonuses

Brandon is giving away a few bonuses, and these bonuses are also based on his experience.

  • Bonus 1 Social Media Hacks Course – This bonus will teach you how to get social media traffic from Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest. Brandon’s personal experience backs up all these.
  • Bonus 2 Direct Access To Brandon – This bonus will give you direct access to a private Facebook group where you can contact Brandon and other members of The Blog Millionaire course.

How Much Does The Blog Millionaire Cost?

The Blog Millionaire course costs $497, and you’ll get 30 days to test the course, and by any chance, you didn’t like it, you can ask for a refund.


The Blog Millionaire is not a scam. It is a legitimate training course that will teach you how to blog, find a domain name, niches, and many more you need for your blog.

The course has over 13 training modules, and all of them are based on Brandon’s years of experience.

As for the price, it is quite expensive for a beginner, and not just that, you’ll also have to spend money on the domain website and more to run your blog.

But you can still try if you have a budget as you already know they offer you 30 days money-back guarantee so you can still get your money back if you didn’t like the course.

All in all, Blog Millionaire is a pretty good course, and you can learn a lot from Brandon.

The choice is yours if you have the budget and you want to learn more about blogging.


  • Brandon Gaille is a Legit person
  • The Course focuses on blogging and keyword research
  • Access to Facebook
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • Expensive for beginners
  • It will cost you more money on outsourcing hosting, domain, tools
  • Blogging takes a lot of time and hard work (Not For Everyone)


Now you know what is The Blog Millionaire is and what you will get from this course.

Blogging can be a profitable career if you know what you are doing.

So if you want to be a bogger, you have to prepare for a budget because you’ll spend a lot of money on it like what I said earlier.

However, if you want to earn money differently from blogging, where you can also earn an income without spending so much money, I recommend checking Affiliate Marketing.

This is the business model that I always recommend to beginners.

Affiliate marketing is really easy to get started, and the earnings potential is almost unlimited.

To get started with affiliate marketing the right way, all you really need is proper and high-quality training.

The training I have been using to build my online business and make a living out of it is a lot more complete. It covers all aspects of the business and teaches you all the best practice of the industry.

It will teach you how to build your online presence from the ground up. The training also emphasis on free organic traffic, which is the best source of traffic.

This will allow you to create a full-time income from your online business. What’s amazing is that once your online presence is built, it will continue to generate money for years to come. It is truly the passive income everybody is dreamed of.

Even though it covers everything you need to know about affiliate marketing, you will not be overwhelmed by it. There are step-by-step tutorials in every lesson. They are easy to follow no matter your skill level and previous experience.

Best of all, it is 100% FREE!

We’re not talking about a time-limited free trial here. You can remain a free member for as long as you want.

As a BONUS to welcome you to my site, grab my free guide and I will show you how to get your website up and running with a free domain and free hosting. This will allow you to get started with your online business for absolutely zero investment.

Besides the top-notch training and free websites, you also get a chance to join an amazing community. These are like-minded people who are willing to help you, support you and most importantly inspire you.

This is to me the most important and valuable part. I have seen so many people putting in their hard work and give up right before they see the result. With the help of this community, you will gain the strength to push through hard times and eventually be rewarded.

So stop buying into hypes and looking for shortcuts, take your business seriously and take action TODAY!


If you have any questions or thought as to whether The Blog Millionaire is a scam, feel free to leave a comment below and I will always reply!

Let’s Make Money!

The Blog Millionaire Review


Overall Rate



  • PRODUCT NAME: The Blog Millionaire
  • CREATOR: Brandon Gaille
  • RECOMMENDED? Depends

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