What Is Evergreen Wealth Formula? Is This A Legit Automated System?

Welcome to my Evergreen Wealth Formula review.

This review will take an in-depth at Evergreen Wealth Formula and see if this is a legit automated product to make money online.

Throughout my review, there is no affiliate link to Evergreen Wealth Formula. This is because I do not promote products that I don’t recommend. You can rest assured to get an honest and unbiased review from me.

This review will try to answer the following four questions. It should give you a clear understanding of the Evergreen Wealth Formula and whether it’s worth your money.

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What Is Evergreen Wealth Formula? website

Program Name: Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0

Website: www.evergreenwealthformula.com

Creator: James Scholes

Price: $197

Recommendation: No

Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 is an affiliate marketing training course created by James Scholes.

It is an automated system that claims that you can start generating sales TODAY!

With this system, you’ll get a step-by-step on how to use it where some of the work is done-for-you.

This means you don’t do anything because James has already done it for you.

This kind of claim where he said that you could start generating sales right away is quite misleading.

I have seen an automated product like this, and it turns out to be a scam, and nothing really works.

That is why we are reviewing this Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 to see if this product really works or not.


With Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0, James will teach you how to start an affiliate marketing business.

This system’s main point is to promote other people’s products and services through your marketing efforts.

Each time you make a sale, you’ll earn a commission. Sounds easy, right?

There are five training modules inside Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0.

Those are:

  • Setup
  • Blog Setup
  • Automate & Scale
  • Automate & Scale 2
  • Fast Traffic Methods


In this training course, James will show you how to prepare your funnels.

You’ll also learn how to choose products, get your affiliate links, and how to integrate them into your campaigns.

Blog Setup

Here, James will show you how to create a blog.

The content he provides is pre-written, so all you need to do is copy and paste it.

The problem with this one is that you will not be the only one who will get the content, but everyone who buys the product.

Automate and Scale

With Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0, their system is based on two traffic methods.

In this module, James will show you how to drive free traffic from social media.

However, with this method, you won’t see results any time soon.

This method takes time to build up and start producing free traffic.

Automate and Scale 2

Here James will show you more advanced methods on how to get free traffic from social media.

However, this method is not a quick way to get traffic.

Fast Traffic Methods

In this module, you will learn how to get fast results.

James will show you how to use paid traffic methods to get leads and customers to your business.

However, this method is not cheap, and you need to have a big budget to get started with paid ads.

If you have the budget and you do it the right way, you could make some profits.

Will You Make Any Money With Evergreen Wealth Formula?

There’s a chance that you might earn some money with this product that if you take the training seriously and you have enough money for paid ads and patience for free traffic.

However, this doesn’t mean that you’ll earn sales right away because that is unrealistic.

We all know business takes time and effort before you earn some money.

So don’t believe what they say that you get money today because it is not true.

How Much Does Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 Cost?

The Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 cost $197 at the time of this review.

However, the $197 is not the only one you’re going to pay as you can see you have to pay for the Domain Name, Web Hosting, Email Autoresponder and Paid ads.

Not just that, there’s also an upsell once you join in, and that upsell is called Jackpot Paydays, and it costs $297 one time.

However, this one is an option, so if you think you don’t need this one, you can decline the offer and go to your training.

Red Flags

Misleading Marketing

There are many gurus out there using this kind of trick to make you buy their product.

As you can see, this product says that you can automate your entire income and finally start generating sales TODAY!.

This kind of claim is misleading, and there is no way you can earn money right away even though you just started.

Building a business is not that easy, and it takes a lot of trial and error before finding the right one.

No Money-Back Guarantee

This one is disappointing because there is no money-back guarantee.

I don’t know why there’s no money-back guarantee, but it would be even better if they put it to make more sales if it comes with some guarantee.

Extra Costs 

As I said, earlier this product will cost you more than $197 because once you get inside, you will be dealing with some upsells and spend more money on the paid ads, domains, website, autoresponder, and more.

DFY Content

I’m not a big fan of a Done For You system because you’re not the only one who will get the content but others.

So all of you will get the same content, which is not good.

You may get some authority from your site, but it will not help free traffic from your search engine because this will probably recognize as duplicated content excludes from search results.

The good thing is that the training is geared toward social media, and they don’t care about this.


I can’t say if Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 is a scam or not, but one thing I can say is that I don’t recommend this to you.

As you can see, the red flags that we have gathered and claimed that you could earn an income right away are unrealistic.

Also, I’m not a big fan of the automated system because you won’t learn anything from it because everything here is already done for you.

Not just that, because what you get from this product, others have it as well, and all of you have the same content.

Also, you will need to have an extra budget here because you’re going to spend more money on this product.


  • James Scholes Is Legitimate person
  • Easy to follow
  • Everything here is done for you


  • Expensive
  • Cost you more money
  • Misleading
  • NO money back guarantee


Now you know what Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 is and why I don’t recommend it to you.

As you can see, there is no money-back guarantee so by any chance you didn’t like the product you won’t get your money back.

You won’t learn anything from this because everything is already done for you, so all you have to do is follow his steps, and you’re good to go.

Copywriting and SEO are skills that could lead you to long-term success.

But with Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0, you won’t learn that from here.

If you are looking to make money online (this is not a get rich scheme) where you can earn a full-time income and build your own business from the comfort of your home, I recommend you check Affiliate Marketing.

This is the business model that I always recommend to beginners.

Affiliate marketing is really easy to get started, and the earnings potential is almost unlimited.

To get started with affiliate marketing the right way, all you really need is proper and high-quality training.

The training I have been using to build my online business and make a living out of it is a lot more complete. It covers all aspects of the business and teaches you all the best practice of the industry.

It will teach you how to build your online presence from the ground up. The training also emphasis on free organic traffic, which is the best source of traffic.

This will allow you to create a full-time income from your online business. What’s amazing is that once your online presence is built, it will continue to generate money for years to come. It is truly the passive income everybody is dreamed of.

Even though it covers everything you need to know about affiliate marketing, you will not be overwhelmed by it. There are step-by-step tutorials in every lesson. They are easy to follow no matter your skill level and previous experience.

Best of all, it is 100% FREE!

We’re not talking about a time-limited free trial here. You can remain a free member for as long as you want.

As a BONUS to welcome you to my site, grab my free guide and I will show you how to get your website up and running with a free domain and free hosting. This will allow you to get started with your online business for absolutely zero investment.

Besides the top-notch training and free websites, you also get a chance to join an amazing community. These are like-minded people who are willing to help you, support you and most importantly inspire you.

This is to me the most important and valuable part. I have seen so many people putting in their hard work and give up right before they see the result. With the help of this community, you will gain the strength to push through hard times and eventually be rewarded.

So stop buying into hypes and looking for shortcuts, take your business seriously and take action TODAY!


If you have any questions or thought as to whether Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 is a scam, feel free to leave a comment below and I will always reply!

Let’s Make Money!

Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0

$197 + upsell

Overall Rate



  • PRODUCT NAME: Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0
  • WEBSITE: www.evergreenwealthformula.com
  • CREATOR: James Scholes
  • UPSELL: Yes

2 thoughts on “What Is Evergreen Wealth Formula? Is This A Legit Automated System?”

  1. I didn’t know the Evergreen Wealth Formula so, first of all, thank you for letting me discover something new. 

    Of course, I can’t say if I would buy it or not – I think I wouldn’t. These kinds of products are for those who use their business online as a side hustle, but they have a good and secure income each and every month and are perfectly comfortable with spending it in a lot of trials that avoid them to think and work on a different strategy. I’ve nothing against this because also for social media ads you need training, but this is not how I work. So, definitely, I agree with you and I wouldn’t buy it!

    1. I’ll be honest with you. Even if you have a steady income, or a sum of money to invest, I would still NOT recommend this product. You can simply put your hard earned money to better use.

      There are many amazing content and materials on the internet and some of them are even free. Simply start with my own FREE GUIDE and build up your knowledge from there.

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